Ailish K
Anxiety, PTSD, and overall wellness enhancement
I work with all kinds of light, blue light, red light, plasma light, energetic light, light bodies and light in it’s every way shape and form for my health.
Also when I work with clients, same, same, same.
Reclaiming a functional life
Barbara is a 68-year-old woman who was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2013. The disease manifested in swelling, pain, and inflammation in multiple joints in her body and subsequently severely impaired her mobility due to progressive joint destruction.
Overcoming depression with Blu Room
Bruna is a 72-year-old woman who went through an exceedingly difficult personal time when caring for a family member with illness. Over many months of chronic stress, she became progressively more fatigued and unable to focus.
Healing from lung cancer and finding a new self
Cynthia is a 66-year-old woman. A long-time smoker, she suffered from significant anxiety, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Since the Blu Room first became available in 2015, she went 2 to 3 times per week to support herself in her healing.
Reversing the need for dialysis
Judy is a 61-year-old woman who developed nausea and vomiting in early 2019. She was diagnosed with acute kidney injury and admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, she had end stage kidney failure requiring hemodialysis. Her Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) was 8 with normal being over 100.
Case Summary

Physician Statements
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Supervising Physician. Mercy Blu Room program President, AM Medical LLC
The idealistic sentiment of pursuing true transformative healing skills that in younger years was such a driving force to study medicine – over time has gone down pathways of complex diagnostics, lab tests, and mechanical processes that sometimes seem void of the original intent.
Healing heart failure and PTSD after cardiac arrest
Peter is 71 years old. In July 2018, he developed bilateral arm pain and sweats, then became unconscious. His wife started CPR and resuscitated him. At the hospital, three stents were placed into his left major artery which was completely occluded. The front and left part of his heart muscle were not moving at all.
Healing congestive heart failure, chronic depression
Diana is 72 years old. In February 2018, she developed severe shortness of breath and chest pain. She thought she was going to die from fluid filling up in her lungs. She went to the emergency room and was found to be in acute respiratory failure, acute congestive heart failure with a heart pump ejection fraction at 40-45 percent (normal is 55+).
DISCLAIMER: The claims contained on this website are based on the real-life experiences of a few people, recorded in their own words regarding their own personal experiences of the Blu Room®.The claims are not intended to or even imply that the Blu Room® can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. Testimonials have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory entity or agency.